Joanne reads to students from Vernon Elementary School
"Had an awesome time reading to Linda Michelle Mincey's Pre-K students at Vernon Elementary School in Washington County this morning! Amazing teacher and awesome students!!" Click the image above to play the video.
Elections, elections, elections.
If you are like me you have been bombarded with TV and radio ads as well as print media. It is ridiculous the amount of money that is spent on political campaigns. However, that is [...]
We Want YOU to Sign Up to Receive Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot!
Your FEA Leadership is hard at work representing you at the #DNCinPHL this week, and they are counting on you to do your part in this election. Sign up to vote by mail, and make [...]
Chatting with Secretary Hillary Clinton
At the AFT Convention, I had the pleasure to chat with the next President of the United States...Hillary Clinton! #AFT100 #betterschoolsfl
The Overuse of Testing Affects Everyone
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Florida’s accountability system has gone horribly wrong. The number of standardized tests being administered has exploded over the past decade. The overuse of testing affects everyone. [...]
FEA Rally Shot
FEA rallied in the Capitol courtyard for public education on January 14th.